Lascar Electronics  Wireless Alert T Temperature monitor with email alerts

Lascar Electronics Wireless Alert T Temperature monitor with email alerts

Wireless Alert T is a battery-powered temperature sensor that sends a warning email if a user-set level is eached. Simply select your temperature limits and connect to your Wi-Fi network using the FilesThruTheAir mobile app.
Availability:Usually ships in 2-3 business days.
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Wireless Alert T is a battery-powered temperature sensor that sends a warning email if a user-set level is eached.  Simply select your temperature limits and connect to your Wi-Fi network using the FilesThruTheAir mobile app.

The Wireless Alert T can be set up to monitor temperature limits in a variety of applications.  High and low temperature limits are user-configurable between 0 and 129 °F (-18 and 54 °C).  The device will trigger a notification email, sent to a user-selected address, if the temperature limits are breached and when the temperature returns to normal.  In addition to this, the device can send a scheduled summary email detailing minimum, maximum and average temperature, as well as battery level, number of alerts, and total time spent in alert.

  • 0 and 129 °F ( -18 to +54 °C) measurement range using an internal sensor
  • Measurement Accuracy: ±2°F, ±1°C
  • User-configurable high and low temperature limits
  • Sends email alerts and scheduled status reports
  • Flashing alert indicator
  • Wi-Fi connected
  • Simple to set up using the free mobile app
  • Two years’ battery life (typical), 2 AAA batteries
  • No ongoing subscription fees
  • Includes sticky pad for wall mounting
  • For Indoor use only