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Williams Sound

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Williams Sound Pocketalker Ultra Personal Sound Amplifier
Availability:Usually ships in 1-2 business days.
Williams Sound Pocketalker 2.0 Personal Amplifier
The Pocketalker 2.0 is the highly anticipated successor to the bestselling Pocketalker Ultra, and we absolutely love its sleek, modern design. While more expensive than the Ultra, it comes with many worthy upgrades. It’s louder when you need it to be (63dB vs. 50dB), rechargeable, has a built-in microphone (one less piece to worry about), and the balance control allows you to adjust the amplification between each ear to fit your specific hearing loss. Another bonus is the telecoil receiver that allows you to amplify sound in any room with an induction loop.
Availability:Usually ships in 2-3 business days.

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