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1- Price: $200.00 and above Remove this filter
2- Manufacturer: Metropolitan Industries Inc Remove this filter
3- Pump Application: Battery Back up Remove this filter

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Water Pumps

Items 1 - 3 of 3
Metropolitan Industries Ion Power + 12Volt Deep Cycle AGM Battery
Powering your battery back-up systems no longer requires extra work! With Power+ Maintenance Free Batteries you can simply hook up this 12 volt unit, and that's it. There is no monthly testing to remember and the batteries are completely sealed, so spills and exposure to hazardous materials have been eliminated.
Availability:Usually ships in 1 to 2 business days.
Metropolitan Industries Ion Storm Pro 2100DC  Battery Backup System
The StormPro 2100DC sump pump backup is truly the best value in flood protection. Unlike other manufacturer’s entry level systems and the ones you find at the hardware store, the StormPro 2100DC sump pump backup utilizes the very best components. The heavy duty 12 volt DC sump pump and adjustable sump pump switch are much more reliable and pumps more water than the leading brands.
Availability:Usually ships in 1 to 2 business days.
Metropolitan Industries Ion Sumpro #100 Battery Backup System
The Sumpro Model 100 is an emergency power system that can supply up to 1800 watts of household electricity - enough to run almost any electronic product or appliance you might connect to your wall outlet. The Sumpro 100 stores household electricity in an internal battery bank and provides instantaneous power to your critical electrical appliances when utility power fails.
Availability:Usually ships in 1 to 2 business days.

Items 1 - 3 of 3