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Living Aids
Belle LTE Personal Alert System
Belle from ResponseNow Medical Alert Systems is here for you in any situation, wherever you are. Simply press the call button and an operator will talk to you through the device ready to assist. For big emergencies, we can send emergency responders; for less urgent situations we can send a friend or family member. No matter the situation, time or location, Belle from ResponseNow will get you help when you need it most.

Belle In The Home
In The Home from ResponseNow Medical Alert Systems is the traditional approach to at-home medical alert security. Featuring an array of available pendants and a console base station, our In The Home system is the perfect solution for customers who spend the majority of their time in and immediately around their home. Simply press the call button and an operator will talk to you through the device ready to assist. For big emergencies, we can send emergency responders; for less urgent situations we can send a friend or family member.

Belle+ Personal Alert System
Belle+ from ResponseNow Medical Alert Systems is here for you in any situation, wherever you may be. Activated by the touch of a button or the unit’s built-in automatic fall detection, Belle+ connects to 24/7 operators ready to assist. For big emergencies, we can send emergency responders; for less urgent situations we can send a friend or family member. No matter the situation, time or location, Belle+ from ResponseNow will get you help when you need it most.