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1- Price: $50.00 - $100.00 Remove this filter
2- Alarm Notification: Email Remove this filter
3- Sensor Category: Humidity Remove this filter

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Condition Monitored w/out added sensor 

Communication Method 

Temperature Setpoint 

Temperature Alarms

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Lascar Electronics  Wireless Alert TH Temperature and humidity monitor with email alerts
The Wireless Alert TH can be set up to monitor temperature and humidity in a variety of applications. High and low limits are user-configurable between 0 to 129 °F (-18 and 54 °C), and 10 to 90 % RH. The device will trigger a notification email, sent to a user-selected address, if the selected limits are breached and when the temperature or humidity returns to normal.
Availability:Usually ships in 2-3 business days.

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