Sensaphone Applications: Greenhouse

Sensaphone Applications: Greenhouse

What's Important In Your GREENHOUSE?
  • Indoor Temperature
  • Outdoor Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Carbon Dioxide Levels
  • Power Failure
  • Security
Keeping your plants alive and healthy requires the best possible growing environment. Sensaphone can provide you with the proper notification system to let you know immediately when something is not perfect in your greenhouse. Many conditions can be monitored from sensors available from Sensaphone, but third party aftermarket sensors can work as well. Receive instant phone call notification as soon as conditions deviate from acceptable levels.

Go to Greenhouse Remote Monitoring to learn more about how Sensaphone can help you remotely monitor your greenhouse.

Starter Solution

FGD-0400 Sensaphone 400

Sensaphone 400 FGD-0400 The Sensaphone Model 400 can monitor the basic concerns in a greenhouse. It comes with one built-in temperature sensor and can also monitor for power failure and listen for the sound of a smoke detector. If any problems are detected, the Sensaphone 400 can notify four people by custom voice message phone calls.

FGD-0101 Sensaphone 2.8K Weatherproof Temperature Probe

Sensaphone FGD-0101 2.8K
            Weatherproof Temperature Probe
Adding the Sensaphone 2.8K Weatherproof Temperature Probe allows the temperature to be monitored away from the Sensaphone 400 for outdoor temperatures, or to help cover a larger facility.
Other Sensaphone Solutions

FGD-0800 Sensaphone 800

Sensaphone 800 FGD-0800
The Sensaphone Model 800 is very similar to the Sensaphone 400, but allows for eight monitored sensors instead of four, and can notify eight phone numbers instead of four.

FGD-1400 Sensaphone 1400

Sensaphone 1400 FGD-1400
The Sensaphone Model 1400 has four sensor inputs like the Sensaphone 400, but the inputs are more flexible allowing for analog 4-20mA transducers, like the Carbon Dioxide sensor. The Sensaphone 1400 is also packaged in a NEMA 4-X sealed weatherproof enclosure with built-in rechargeable batteries.

FGD-1800 Sensaphone 1800

Sensaphone 1800 FGD-1800
The Sensaphone Model 1800 provides everything that the Sensaphone 1400 does, except that it can accept eight sensors and make eight phone calls instead of four.

FGD-2800 Sensaphone 2800

Sensaphone 2800 FGD-2800
Upgrading to the Sensaphone Model 2800 allows the use of wireless sensors in addition to hard–wired sensors. It has very similar capabilities to the Sensaphone 1800, but it monitors four hard–wired sensors plus four wireless sensors that can be located up to 300 feet away.
Recommended Accessories

FGD-0027 Humidistat Humidity Detector (10-60%)

Sensaphone FGD-0027 Humidistat Humidity Detector (10-60%)
The Sensaphone Humidistat Humidity Detector detects high or low humidity inside the greenhouse.

FGD-0052 Humidity 4-20mA Transmitter

Sensaphone FGD-0052 Humidity Transmitter
The Sensaphone Humidity Transmitter is a low profile humidity transducer that transmits actual humidity levels to the Sensaphone. (Not compatible with the 400/800)

FGD-0068 Carbon Dioxide Sensor

Sensaphone FGD-0068 Carbon Dioxide Sensor
The Sensaphone Carbon Dioxide Sensor Monitor Carbon Dioxide levels from 0 to 2,000ppm (Not compatible with Sensaphone 400/800)

FGD-0054 24V Power-Out Alert PS110

Sensaphone FGD-0054 24V Power-Out Alert PS110
The Sensaphone Power Out Alert can monitor power for outages by plugging the unit into any 110VAC outlet.

FGD-0049 Smoke Detector with Built-In Relay

Sensaphone FGD-0049 Smoke Detector with Built-In Relay
The Sensaphone Smoke Detector monitors for the presence of smoke inside the greenhouse.

FGD-0049-B Smoke Detector with Built-In Relay & Battery Backup

Sensaphone FGD-0049-B Smoke Detector with Built-In Relay & Battery Backup
The Sensaphone Smoke Detector monitors for the presence of smoke inside the greenhouse.

FGD-0006 Magnetic Reed Switch

Sensaphone FGD-0006 Magnetic Reed Switch
The Sensaphone Magnetic Reed Switch is used to detect any unauthorized entry or intrusion. Typically installed on door or windows, several switches may be wired in series.

FGD-0007 Passive Infra-Red Motion Detector

Sensaphone FGD-0007 Passive Infra-Red Motion Detector
The Sensaphone Passive Infra-Red Motion Detector detects movement in a specific area to monitor for unauthorized entry or intrusion. Covers approximately forty feet of area.
Recommended Wireless Accessories

WSR-0100 Sensaphone 2800 Wireless Temperature Sensor

Sensaphone WSR-0100 Wireless Temperature Sensor
The Sensaphone 2800 Wireless Temperature Sensor wirelessly monitors temperatures from -109 to 115 F inside the residence.

WSR-0103 Sensaphone 2800 Wireless Humidity Sensor

Sensaphone WSR-0103 Wireless Humidity Sensor
The Sensaphone 2800 Wireless Humidity Sensor monitors humidity from 0 to 95% RH.

WSR-0104 Sensaphone 2800 Wireless 4-20mA Sensor

Sensaphone WSR-0104 Wireless 4-20mA Sensor
The Sensaphone 2800 Wireless 4-20mA Sensor can be used to monitor the output of any 4-20mA transducer.

WSR-0101 Sensaphone 2800 Wireless Dry Contact Sensor

Sensaphone WSR-0101 Wireless Dry Contact Sensor
The Sensaphone 2800 Wireless Dry Contact Sensor connects to any normally open or normally closed output via input terminals on the front of the sensor.

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